Thursday, 9 August 2007

Finding Encouragement

Some of Broughton Knox's words have given me great encouragement. He says..
"Faith in God is the truest form of worship... The Christian concept of God is that of a loving heavenly Father. This concept may be expressed in hymns and psalms of praise to God’s goodness; but it is more suitably expressed in action than in words and that action that corresponds to the Christian concept of God as a gracious Redeemer and Father, is utter faith and reliance on God’s fatherly goodness and saving power.
God is glorified when men call upon Him in the day of trouble; when in the face of adversity they put their confidence and trust in Him, expecting His promises to be fulfilled to them according to His word.
Psalm 50 clearly teaches that the worship of trust is the highest worship that can be offered by men. "

Psalm 50: 14-15 Sacrifice thank offerings to God, fulfill your vows to the Most High,
and call upon me in the day of trouble; I will deliver you, and you will honor me.

So as men and women in times of adversity, we have an amazing opportunity to worship our God by calling upon Him and living each day in faith that His promises will be fulfilled.