I am currently reading Henri Nouwen's 'The Return of the Prodigal Son'.
Through Nouwen's poignant treatment of the famous parable, I have been forced to confront what it means to let go of the old and let myself be held by a loving and forgiving God.
In my Father's arms...
"It is the place of light, the place of truth, the place of love. It is the place where I so much want to be, but am so fearful of being. It is the place where I will receive all that I desire, all that I ever hoped for, all that I will ever need, but it is also the place where I have to let go of all that I most want to hold on to. It is the place that confonts me with the fact that truly accepting love, forgiveness, and healing is often much harder than giving it. It is the place beyond earning, deserving, and rewarding. It is the place of surrender and complete trust"
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