Thursday, 26 April 2007

Waiting for something to happen
or not to happen.
Just waiting,
for the lack of knowing what else to do......


Laura T said...

When I travel I always make a conscious decision to somehow enjoy, or make the best of the day I get, not just I day I planned. After all half of travelling is the journey, the experience, not just the ticking off of the sights. Some of the best plans go to mud, but mud pies can be made, and some of the best holidays may still involve spending a day in a bus going 130 down a icy autobahn with the driver holding the wheel with his knees while so he can role his cigarettes. There is a lot to wait for as a Christian. We wait for healing, we wait for perfection, we wait for transformation, we wait for final glory, we wait for heaven, and we wait to see God face to face. We wait. But it is not just about destination, it also about journey, about experience. It is about lessons learnt, stories to be shared, and war wounds to carry. We are safe if we are travelling with God, but we are not pain free. We are being refined by fire, we are being prepared to arrive. We don’t always understand, we get culture shock and suffer through Delhi belly. We start to foster bitter thoughts about the wisdom of our tour operator, questioning his plans against our own. I still don’t understand. I still journey. But I try my hardest to make a conscious decision to somehow trust in the day I get not just I day I planned. I feel pain. And I look forward to being home.

Jill said...

Is that the difference between passive waiting and active waiting?

Laura T said...

Perhaps it's one of those things that needs a near impossible balance again. We passively wait for God to act, and we actively open ourselves to follow his direction. We passively wait for God to open us so we can follow and we actively ensure we don't resist. We passively wait for God in his time to bring about his final Kingdom, and we actively pray for Jesus' coming and actively do his Kingdom work in this world.

I hope you don't find my ramblings simplistic or flippant about your experience Jill.. my brain is just chewing through things aloud.. I know there is no neat comfortable solve all problems answers.

Jill said...

Lovely Laura, I don't find your postings simplistic or flippant at all. Blogging is proving to be a great tool to actively seek answers or just put questions out there. Your responses are really encouraging.

Laura T said...
