Monday 8 June 2009

The Prodigal Daughter

The parable of the prodigal son has always held a special meaning for me. It was the passage through which God spoke into my heart at my conversion, and it is rich with symbolism as I walk the long and arduous road which is the Christian life.

The pain of being far away in a distant land, feeling wretched and desolate is real. As is the desperate longing to be home. I yearn to be embraced by the father, to be held secure and to hear him say "You are my beloved daughter, on you my favour rests".

And yet, it is I who have left the safety of home, I who continue to leave it. I am the rebellious one who has turned away.

The father waits with outstretched arms, looking for any sign of me returning. The blessings he has for me are mine for the taking.

If what I ache for is there waiting for me, why don't I run home with all my might? Why am I still stranded out here all alone?

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