Thursday, 13 September 2007

Getting what we deserve?

Several of my close friends have recently had babies. This has been really difficult for me.

Like most girls, I grew up expecting to marry and have a family. I came close to marriage once, but it wasn't to be. Without a husband, I feel that it must be some punishment from God. Am I so unloveable and undesirable?

As I am now unable to have children due to my illness, often I feel that God has dealt with me unfairly.

I think that I do not deserve to be lonely or childless, but in reality, I have no such entitlement. At no place in Scripture, does God promise that we will all be blessed with marriage and children.

He does however promise that as Christians, we belong to Him and belong to each other.

So whilst I do not have a husband, I am not alone. I have brothers and sisters in Christ. And whilst I have not borne children, I can love, care for, and minister to the children of my fellow Christians.

And I must praise God for that, and make the most of these opportunities (even if I am praising Him through my tears)

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